The Basics of Spousal Support

This blog post is from the Banaszek Family Law’s “Family Law Basics” series. This blog series is meant to be a resource and provide some information regarding specific family law topics. These blog posts should not be taken as legal advice as most family law and divorce matters are circumstance-driven and require further analysis and advice from a legal professional. This week, Adrianna Banaszek, Calgary family and divorce lawyer, covers the basics of spousal support in Alberta:

Who is elibigle to claim support?

For married couples, spousal support is governed by the Divorce Act (federal legislation, meaning that it applies across Canada) and the Family Law Act (Alberta’s provincial legislation). Support for unmarried couples in Alberta is governed by the Family Law Act and the Adult Interdependent Relationships Act.

Under the federal Divorce Act, spousal support is most likely to be paid when there is a big difference between the spouses' incomes after they separate. NOTE: Just because one spouse earns significantly more income does not mean that their spouse will automatically be entitled to support payments. A court may decide that the spouse with the lower income is not entitled to support. The court may reach this decision if that spouse has a lot of assets, or if the difference in income cannot be traced to anything that happened during the marriage or relationship to require financial wealth be distributed more evenly between the parties.

Unmarried couples may be eligible for support if they meet the threshold requirements to be considered “Adult Interdependent Partners” as defined in the Adult Interdependent Relationships Act . In Alberta, you are considered an “Adult Interdependent Partner” of another person if you have lived together in a relationship of interdependence (section 3 of the Act):

  • for a continuous period of not less than 3 years, or

  • of some permanence, if there is a child of the relationship by birth or adoption, or

  • have entered into an adult interdependent partner agreement with the other person under section 7.

There are limited legal protections to guarantee financial support from your separated partner if you do not meet the threshold requirements of the legislation. At Banaszek Family Law, we suggest entering into a Cohabitation Agreement to either ensure that financial support is paid or waived upon separation if you do not wish for the current legislative framework to apply.

How is entitlement to spousal support determined?

Unlike child support, spousal support is not an automatic right of a party who earns less than their spouse when they separate. The federal and provincial legislation strive to compensate spouses who have suffered financially as a result of the marriage/relationship or due to its’ breakdown. Judges consider various factors in determining if a spouse should receive support after a divorce. Some of these factors include:

  1. the financial means and needs of both spouses;

  2. the length of the marriage;

  3. the roles of each spouse during their marriage;

  4. the effect of those roles and the breakdown of the marriage on both spouses' current financial positions;

  5. the care of the children;

  6. the goal of encouraging a spouse who receives support to be self-sufficient in a reasonable period of time; and

  7. any orders, agreements or arrangements already made about spousal support.

Judges must also consider whether spousal support would meet the following purposes:

  1. to compensate the spouse with the lower income for sacrificing some power to earn income during the marriage;

  2. to compensate the spouse with the lower income for ongoing care of children; or

  3. to help a spouse who is in financial need if the other spouse has the ability to pay.

At the same time, the judge must consider that a spouse who receives support has an obligation to become self-supporting, where reasonable.

Types of spousal support entitlement

There are 3 categories of entitlement to spousal support: compensatory, non-compensatory and contractual (Moge v Moge; Bracklow v Bracklow). Compensatory spousal support is based on an economic disadvantage caused by the marriage to one of the spouses. Non-compensatory is needs-based support. The non-compensatory category acknowledges that married couples often become economically interdependent, and require financial support from the other to continue to meet their basic needs following separation. Contractual spousal support is agreed to by way of contract between the spouses.

Try this FREE spousal support calculator to obtain a general estimate of spousal support entitlement based on the duration of your relationship and each parties’ respective incomes. The Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines are not law but suggest appropriate ranges of support in a variety of situations for spouses entitled to support. The Guidelines are taken into account by lawyers in support negotiations and judges in making decisions about spousal support quantum and duration.

At Banaszek Family Law, we suggest you meet with a family lawyer to obtain independent legal advice as there are many factors which must be considered in confirming your spousal support obligations and potential entitlement to claim a particular amount (and length) of support following your separation from your spouse.

How does child support affect spousal support?

If either spouse is paying child support, the judge must also determine how a requirement to pay spousal support would affect child support payments. The Divorce Act clearly states that a judge must give priority to child support when a person applies for both child and spousal support. Both parents have an obligation to support their children.

To learn more about child support in Alberta, read our blog post: The Basics of Child Support.

How can I collect spousal support?

The Maintenance Enforcement Program (“MEP”) is a Government of Alberta program which collects court-ordered child support, spousal and partner support, and takes care of enforcement as needed. MEP is a free service which allows either the payor or the recipient of support to register the spousal support order. Introducing MEP into the mix may help reduce tensions for parties as the accounting and enforcement of financial matters is outsourced.

If you have a court order, you can register your order with MEP here. If you require assistance obtaining a court order for spousal support (whether it is a litigious situation or an amicable one which would be accomplished by consent of both parties) contact Banaszek Family Law to learn how we can assist you.

Need help calculating or obtaining spousal support? Banaszek Family Law is here for you.

A great free resource to assist you in understanding the process and documents required to vary spousal or partner support is found at the Government of Alberta website.

We highly suggest entering into a cohabitation agreement or prenuptial/postnuptial agreement to ensure that support obligations are either waived or secured in the event of a separation or divorce (depending on your desired outcome). To gain a better understanding of how a marriage or cohabitation agreement may be beneficial to you, read our blog: Prenups are for Lovers.

At Banaszek Family Law, we offer flat rate Spousal Support Analysis to provide you with a better understanding of what your support obligations or entitlement may be. Banaszek Family Law also offers independent legal advice and full representation with respect to spousal support matters in both Alberta and British Columbia. Make the next move by scheduling your initial consultation with Adrianna Banaszek today, HERE

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